
The Den Of Thieves

Thursday 26 November 2015

No Wonder I'm An Atheist

A New Crusade On The Cards

With the Roman Catholic church a proven paradise for sexual perverts, it seems now, that not to be outdone, the Church of England has embraced warmongering as a tenet of faith. Below a snippet from RT - UK which caught my eye.

War in Syria may be necessary and the Church of England must back armed force if it helps refugees, according to Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

Welby told the Guardian that after debating the issue in London the Church is effectively committed to backing military action in Syria.

He said “the implications are enormous” and that action is now “almost inevitable” given the seriousness of the Syrian crisis.

What Welby fails to understand is the US/UK inspired war in Syria has caused the refugee crisis in the first place.

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