
The Den Of Thieves

Monday 30 November 2015

Jeremy Corbyn Bottles It And Allows Blairite Warmongers To Vote With The Tories

Showing scant leadership qualities Jeremy Corbyn has betrayed all his principles by giving the go ahead for the Blairite warmongers in his party to vote with the Tories for the bombing of Syria - as if Britain could make any real contribution to defeating the terrorists the Obama outfit has been using to destabilise that country in order to oust Assad.

Maybe he thinks he is somehow saving the Labour party from a split but in reality he has capitulated to the ring-wing and betrayed all those members who voted for him in the recent leadership contest.

I haven't voted for Labour since the liar Blair came to power. In fact I've voted for non-one at all since that time and never will again by the looks of things. I am now effectively disenfranchised as are millions of others who trusted Labour and Corbyn to deliver something better.

Bourgeois democracy stinks!

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