
The Den Of Thieves

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Colluding With ISIS

My representative in that den of iniquity known also as parliament is Douglas Carswell the sole UKIP MP in that place full of warmongers and austerity freaks. Unless he rejoins the Tories, however,  I confidently predict he won't be there after the 2020 general election.

I wrote to him recently imploring him to think twice about about lending his support to Cameron's rush to war in Syria. I tried to explain to him that the US, Turkey, Saudi Arabia with others have colluded with ISIS in order to facilitate the removal of Assad from power - something the Obama outfit never ceases to articulate.

He dismissed my argument as being glib, a term that could be equally applied to most of the members of the Obama and Cameron outfits who have no intellectual case for war whatsoever.

Mr.Carswell mistook my concern for pacifism, which in reality is not a position I embrace. My argument is that only Russia has the authority to take on ISIS since it was invited by the Syrian government to help destroy these fanatics. 

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