
The Den Of Thieves

Thursday 26 November 2015

Implementing Austerity - The Northern Powerhouse

The World Socialist Web Site has just published an article concerning the creation of Chancellor Osborne's 'Northern Powerhouse' which will be used to enforced massive and permanent spending cuts. Below an excerpt from the article.

Just 18 months ago, Chancellor George Osborne announced his project for a “Northern Powerhouse”, devolving finance and accompanying powers from central government to the Labour-controlled Greater Manchester Combined Authorities (GMCA).

The Northern Powerhouse is presented by the government and the six participating Labour Party-run local regions as a means of bringing prosperity to all. But behind the glitz and hype, its real purpose is to enforce massive and permanent spending cuts on top of the billions already imposed. The end result will be to consolidate metropolitan centres in the north of England into cheap labour platforms for the global corporations.

A victim of austerity

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