
The Den Of Thieves

Monday 6 April 2015

The End Is Nigh

All the major political parties took part in the BBC's recent election debate but the participation of such numbers in an official televised debate is a first. It is a clear sign of the disintegration of the political set-up in Britain, under the weight of sharpening class tensions and divisions within the bourgeoisie itself.

According to opinion polls, Sturgeon, the leader of the Scottish National Party, won a sympathetic hearing from the tiny seven million TV audience, with one media poll placing her overall winner. One of the most searched for terms on the Internet was, “Can I vote for the SNP in England?”

Sturgeon’s appeal underscores the continued collapse of the Labour Party, which is widely reviled as no different than the Tories. It is committed to major spending cuts, differing only as to the speed with which they should be implemented.

Miliband’s efforts to try and present Labour as more in tune with working people, pledging to curtail zero-hour contracts and raise the minimum wage, have little traction.

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