I'm unlucky enough to be living in an area which is represented by a UKIP member of parliament. Mind you, wherever you live you are going to be represented by someone or another who is probably very unsavoury, if not downright corrupt. But of course, that's the nature of politics today given that the House of Commons is a complete den of iniquity.
At the moment I'm being bombarded with a torrent of election guff which usually finds it's way straight into the dustbin. However, the latest piece of diatribe to come dropping through my letterbox did catch my eye for a moment before I consigned it to the aforementioned place reserved for rubbish.
It was from UKIP and two underlined statements on their pamphlet attracted my attention. The first read as follows:-
Support the economic recovery
I thought to myself when I read this that I must be inhabiting some sort of parallel universe since I've seen no evidence of economic recovery at all, but it was the second underlined statement which caused me the greatest consternation. It read:-
No deal with Ed Milliband. A vote for me is a vote to keep Miliband out.
Don't get me wrong, I don't blame anybody for not wanting to jump into bed with Ed, but implicit in this statement is an acknowledgment that turnout in the May election is going to be absolutely miniscule and that all the political parties will be forced to horse trade for power. Furthermore, UKIP is obviously not ruling out getting into bed with Cameron and perhaps even contemplating doing a threesome with Clegg included.
The mind boggles ! I wonder if it has also crossed their minds to consider a cross-border bed-hop with Nicola Sturgeon!
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