
The Den Of Thieves

Sunday 24 July 2016

Theresa May Part 1

A friend of mine, who is an extremely good poet, has set his mind to writing a play in a typically Elizabethan sort of way. I don't pretend to understand the intricacies of blank verse but he showed me his first draft and it left me salivating for more. Liam, my friend, has also given me permission to publish the opening scene on my blog for everyone to enjoy.


Theresa May  Part 1

 by Liam Shakehands

ACT 1 SCENE 1 -The Cabinet Room

Enter Theresa May, Phillip Hammond and Boris Johnson.
They gather in secret conclave to refashion the world.

May:                Like our departed sister Margaret,
                        I, too, hold saintly Francis in esteem,
                        But hugging lepers and stripping off my kit
                        To wander naked round the seats of power,
                        I find distasteful and obscene.

Boris:             Yes Tess indeed! [Aside] Not a sight for sore eyes!

May:               Why harmony at all I ask myself,
                       When pleasing discord seeks the light of day
                       In this our craven world.

Hammond:     Aye Mistress May.
                       Dentures and teeth will likely gnash and wails
                       Shall sound in Wales and screams in Scotland too,
                       When I unleash austerity anew.

Johnson:         St. Francis of Assisi's for the chop.
                        F*ck him I say!

May:              Tut Boris no expletives!
                      We must pretend that Francis is our friend,
                      in order to mislead.

Johnson:       Crudeness, alas, I like.
                      Besides, few can utter f*ck in five tongues.
                      Like me.

Hammond:  You are a wizard with the words.

Johnson:       And with the deed. Five times nightly Boris
                     Don't you know. [He takes a bow]

Exeunt all

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