
The Den Of Thieves

Saturday 9 April 2016

Is The Labour Leadership Protecting Cameron?

An interesting snippet below from an article on WSWS:-

The crisis engulfing Cameron comes in the lead-up to the June 23 referendum on the UK’s continued membership of the EU. The Tories are deeply divided over the issue, with more than 100 Eurosceptic MPs out of a total of 250, and most of the party’s wider base opposed to the Remain camp led by Cameron—in turn reflecting deep divisions within ruling circles. This could precipitate a move against Cameron, but also serves to shield him from attack for fear that his downfall will benefit the anti-Euro wing of the Tories.

No one appears more determined to protect Cameron than Corbyn and his Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell.

The timidity of their statements are in inverse proportion to the escalating public anger. Indeed, many workers and young people will rightly be bemused that Corbyn refuses to even call a motion of no confidence in Cameron. Instead, he first described Cameron’s situation as a “private matter,” and only called for an investigation “to decide whether or not tax has been paid” on the shares. Asked if Cameron should resign, he replied, “Let’s take one thing at a time.” For his part McDonnell also stressed that Cameron’s evasions were “not a matter of resignation at the moment…”

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