
The Den Of Thieves

Wednesday 2 December 2015

On Corbyn's Spinelessness

One of the first things Corbyn should have done after being elected leader was to root out all unreconstructed Blairites who have no support in the Labour party at large - not in Scotland, not in Wales and not in England. A simple process of deselection would have silenced them all by now. But spinelessness paved the way to war in Syria.

One of the few journalists I admire is Julie Hyland of the editorial board of WSWS and here is her take on Corbyn's abject failure to control the right wing of his party. 

Corbyn’s spinelessness is not simply a matter of personal inadequacy or misplaced party loyalty. The Labour leader and his supporters in the pseudo-left groups are acutely aware of how sharp class tensions are. Under conditions of deepening austerity and a sharp turn to militarism, they are determined to do all they can to contain and silence the voice of working people. It is this that accounts for the ability of the Tories to go on the offensive, despite the narrowness of the government’s majority.

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