
The Den Of Thieves

Tuesday 6 October 2015

On The Wild Side

Alex Wild (pictured below), the research director for the right-wing pressure group 'The Taxpayers Alliance',  has said that cuts affecting over-65s would not lose the Tories votes because some “will not be around” by 2020. He means of course that many would have by then shuffled off this mortal coil. And he apparently relishes the idea as do the Tories who refused to distance themselves from the cuts being demanded by this nefarious outfit.

Wild is one of those austerity freaks who is perfectly willing to hand over trillions of pounds of taxpayer's money to the criminal banking fraternity, but baulks at the idea of paying the measly winter fuel payments to pensioners.

Write to this outfit to demand that Wild is sacked forthwith.

Alex Wild

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