
The Den Of Thieves

Friday 25 September 2015

Obama's Penchant For Despots

The Lebanese daily Al Diyar reported late Thursday that the stampede near Mecca which left over 700 pilgrims dead was triggered by the arrival on the scene of a large militarized convoy transporting the 30-year-old deputy crown prince pictured above with Obama, who is also the country’s defence minister.

“The large convoy of Mohammad bin Salman Al Saud, the King's son and deputy crown prince, that was escorted by over 350 security forces, including 200 army men and 150 policemen, sped up the road to go through the pilgrims that were moving towards the site of the ‘Stoning the Devil’ ritual, causing panic among millions of pilgrims who were on the move from the opposite direction and caused the stampede,” the newspaper reported.

Needless to say the dictatorial Saudi regime denied the whole thing. 

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