
The Den Of Thieves

Saturday 28 May 2016

Shameless in Hiroshima

Why should anyone have expected Obama to apologize for Hiroshima? If he was interested in contrition, he would have done better to start with the seven countries—Syria, Iraq, Libya, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen and Somalia—where US interventions and proxy wars continue to claim civilian lives nearly eight years after the candidate of “hope” and “change” was swept into office on a wave of popular antiwar sentiment. During that time, his administration is unquestionably responsible for more civilian deaths than those inflicted by the twin atomic bomb blasts of 1945.

The most shamelessly hypocritical section of Obama’s speech at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial was his posturing as a champion of nuclear disarmament. “Among those nations like my own that hold nuclear stockpiles, we must have the courage to escape the logic of fear, and pursue a world without them,” he declared, quickly adding, “We may not realize this goal in my lifetime.”


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