
The Den Of Thieves

Thursday 21 January 2016

Do not go gentle into that dark night

In one of the most bizarre proposals imaginable, Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn has suggested the UK could re-commission Trident nuclear submarines, but without nuclear weapons.

Corby’s proposal was given short shrift by a fuming, right-wing Union leadership. Len McCluskey, general secretary of the Unite union, and Sir Paul Kenny, leader of the GMB, are making noises expressing concern for jobs. Last week, Kenny told BBC Radio 4, “If anybody thinks that unions like the GMB are going to go quietly into the night while tens of thousands of our members’ jobs are literally swannied away by rhetoric then they’ve got another shock coming.”

Likewise the British people are not going to go quietly into that dark night of a nuclear holocaust just to protect the jobs of a few thousand men.

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