
The Den Of Thieves

Thursday, 12 March 2015

Ongoing Stench

As we move towards the general election in the UK and the certainty of another hung parliament (because half of the electorate are fussy about voting for crooks) let me remind you what happened in Greece just a month or so ago. What we saw there was the biggest betrayal in history. This from the World Socialist Web Site:-

It has taken less than one month for the Syriza government in Greece, led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, to repudiate its anti-austerity election program and betray, totally and utterly, the impoverished working people whose votes placed it in power.

Even in the entire squalid history of “left” petty-bourgeois politics, it is difficult to find an example of deceit, cynicism and truly disgusting cowardice that quite matches that of Prime Minister Tsipras. Certainly, from the standpoint of the time that elapsed between election and betrayal, the Syriza government has probably set a new world record.

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